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To install the API you need a Python 3.x installed also venv module and pip.
Here will be covered two types of installation for debugging and for production.

Mutual Steps

Clone the repository with the command

$ git clone
Rename .env.example to .env In linux
$ cd forkapi
$ mv .env.example .env 
Enter all needed environment variables in .env file.

  • PAGINATION_PAGE_SIZE is used for pagination used in the API certain endpoint.
  • DJANGO_SECRET you can generate the secret online -> link
    or with the following command if you have installed django on the machine
    $ python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
  • DOMAIN_NAME_NGINX the domain which will serve the api
  • X_AUTH_HEADER also you can generate random UUID online that will be used for authentication
    for the read only endpoint. Example header 261ec18d-0e81-4073-8d9e-b34a7a1e5e06 (Don`t use it this is for demo purpose)
  • CORS_ALLOWED_HOSTS are the front end domain names
  • OPENAI_API_KEY is the API KEY from OpenAI for the scraping recipe functionality
  • OPENAI_MODEL is the default model at this stage the gpt-4o-mini is most cost-efficient and is working ok for the scraping task
Scrape functionality dependencies

The API use playwright python package to open the scrape url recipe link. The docker images in Docker Hub include the dependancy there no need of manaul installation.

Installing locally (Debug mode)

You can create a virtual environment and click of the API. Note replace the 3.x with actual Python version

$ python3.x -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Make the needed migrations so Django can create sqlite database file with tables.

$ cd forkapi
$ python makemigrations authentication
$ python makemigrations recipe
$ python migrate

At this point everything should be ok, and you can start the server.

$ python runserver
You can access the dashboard admin panel on localhost:8000. In this mode you can use it locally if in debug mode which you can change in /forkapi/ file line 27

Raspberry Pi


  • For Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS make sure to uncomment the packages in the main Dockerfile in line 16 and replace the method from pull from registry to build from Dockerfile located at the root folder. This should be happen in the docker-compose.yml file line 25.
  • If you pull from Docker hub make sure to change the image in compose with mikebgrep/forkapi:arm64 this image is tested for Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu server.

Installing in Docker container (Production SSL)

To installing in Docker container follow the steps bellow.

  • Fist step is to clone the repo. The needed files are in nginx folder, .env file and docker-compose.yml file.
  • Next step is setting up the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files needed for the ssl settings in nginx.
  • After you obtain ssl certificates for your domain you need to copy them in the nginx/ssl folder.
  • Then add environment variable (if you didn't add it already) in .env file for DOMAIN_NAME_NGINX that should be used with your actual domain name in the nginx/forkapi-ssl.nginx.template configuration file.
  • Next uncomment the commented lines 8, 12 and 21 in the docker-compose.yml and comment lines 7 and 22.
  • That all you need to run the docker compose up command and the API will be deployed on the server instance or locally on your machine.

    $ docker compose up

  • Access the admin dashboard at your-domain:80 or your-domain:443


I will not include steps for setting the domain name servers on this as you can follow the official documentation on your server or the Raspberry Pi documentation.

Installing in Docker container (Production No SSL)

  • Fist step is to clone the repo. The needed files are in nginx folder, .env file and docker-compose.yml file.
  • Add environment variable (if you didn't add it already) in .env file for DOMAIN_NAME_NGINX that should be used with your actual domain name in the nginx/forkapi.nginx.template configuration file.
  • That all you need to run the docker compose up command and the API will be deployed on the server instance or locally on your machine.
    $ docker compose up


This method is the prefered choice if your server already provide ssl connection by default as Digital ocean do for their apps.

Follow next step to check how you can and must be made your first request.