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OpenAI integration

Here you can find how we use OpenAI model for the application.


Available from 2.2.0+ release.

Functionality with the AI model

Open AI chat gpt model gpt-4o-mini is the default model that we use it the API. For the purpose of his task is working ok and is the lowest cost model from OpenAI.

  1. We use it to scrape a recipe from external url.
  2. We use it to generate an recipes from ingredients and after this we scrape the recipes from the available url online.

Edge cases

There a case where the model fails and we return empty response with status code 204 from the endpoint that are responsible for generating or scraping the recipes.

Endpoint which work with the OpenAI

Scrape recipes

POST /api/recipe/scrape
recipe.RecipeLink object
    "url": file
name type data type description
Authorization required Access Token Token obtained from login endpoint
http code content-type response
200 application/json {recipe.Recipe object}
401 application/json {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Example cURL
curl --location 'host/api/recipe/scrape' --header 'Authorization: Token token_value'  --data '{"url":"http://...."}'

Generate recipes

POST /api/recipe/generate
GenerateRecipeSerializer list of strings
    "ingredients": []
name type data type description
Authorization required Access Token Token obtained from login endpoint
http code content-type response
200 application/json [GenerateRecipeResultSerializer objects]
204 application/json {Empty response if there a openai empty response}
401 application/json {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Example cURL
curl --location 'host/api/recipe/generate' --header 'Authorization: Token token_value' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"ingredients":["tomato","onion","cheese","pasta","milk","red peparz"]}'


To use this functionality you must have a valid API_KEY from OpenAI